Monday, September 29, 2008

Double take

Since we have returned to South Carolina, after being on a hiatus in Arizona for six years, we have run into a plethora of people in Beaufort and the surrounding areas that we knew in our first few years of marriage. It's so funny to see the reactions on people's faces when they see us. We didn't really keep in contact with many of our old friends when we left, and consequently they had no idea we had returned. We will be in Walmart, and make eye contact with someone, and the people will look, and then look again, and a third time, then finally either Luis or I will say something to put their wondering minds to rest. It has been so fun to reconnect with these people, and be able to tell them of the wonderful things that took place in our lives in the past six years. We have forgotten many names, but the faces have been fixed in our memories. I have also been mistaken for each of my two sisters who live (or used to live) in Hampton. We Kellish girls do not think that we resemble each other in the least, but apparently, the rest of the world thinks otherwise. People look at me, and I can almost read their thoughts. Most of the time time, they don't say anything. I often wonder if these people are thinking that there has been a divorce/remarriage, as Luis is usually with me, and he definitely does not look anything like either of my brother-in-laws. What a trip!!

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