Sunday, September 7, 2008

Multiplying like....chickens???

We are the not-so-proud "owners" of five chickens. When Luis's family was down in Mexico, a hen and a rooster took up residence in our yard. After a whirlwind honeymoon, eight tiny chicks emerged about a month later. Well, due to unfortunate circumstances beyond our control (no, it wasn't Jonathan this time!), the rooster was brutally attacked (and we believe eaten whole, with only a few feathers remaining as evidence!) by one of the bully gang dogs that roam free in this neck of the woods. Then we noticed, one by one, that the chicks were disappearing, until there were only four remaining. (I guess there is some truth to the "survival of the fittest" theory). The other night, Luis left the screen porch door open, and in the morning I was met by four pairs of beady eyes, staring me down as I was going out the door. Apparently I startled them, as they did me, and we all let out a holler! Then, being chickens, they panicked when they couldn't remember how they got in. I had four frantic fowl flying into my screened windows, wishing they were small enough to fit through the tiny holes. Exhausted, (and emotionally drained, I'm sure), they finally found the open door and flew out, without looking back! Well, we hadn't seen their mother in quite some time, and feared that she was the latest victim...and then, yesterday morning, when Luis and I were sitting down to breakfast, we noticed the long lost hen digging in the dirt. Behind her were ten fluffy, newly hatched chicks. Apparently, they have, by way of squatters rights, decided that this is where they will live. I don't know what is their means of sustenance, as we don't feed them. I have a sneaky suspicion they are jumping Uncle David's fence for their morning corn meal, and then returning back to their newly claimed territory, our yard. I guess it's possible that they are surviving purely from the ants that have overtaken our otherwise beautiful green lawn. Either way, it looks like they are here to stay....I know I should be eggs, chicken, AND our own ant control all wrapped up into one...I'll let you know when the thrill kicks in...don't hold your breath.

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