Saturday, January 17, 2009

What's wrong?

I have been feeling quite under the weather for the past couple of weeks. Not been myself in the least. I thought maybe I was dehydrated, so I upped my fluid intake. Then I thought maybe I was coming down with a cold, so I ate more oranges for some vitamin C. Then I thought I might be going through premature menopause, and my hormones were out of whack. I thought of making an appointment with my doctor, then I remembered that I haven't established with an MD for myself since we moved. (I realize it's been a year and a half...hey, at least the kids have had their visit!) Well, after mulling everything over, trying to figure out what on earth is wrong with me...I discovered that nothing was wrong, but something is very right...I am pregnant! We are very excited, but I think if it's possible, the boys are even more excited than we are. Yesterday, when I told them, they leaped around the living room singing..."Mama has a baby! Mama has a baby!" Josh asked me "How is the baby in there?" After I hesitated for a moment, he said "I mean, how long is the baby going to be there?" to which I breathed a sigh of relief and told him nine months. He thought this was too much time, and informed me that he doesn't want to wait until October. Jonathan told me that he hopes our baby is a girl, because he "likes girls"...which I guess is a positive thing. Josh told me he wanted another brother, so then he could "make him and Jonathan his slaves". I can tell that I am going to have to make good use of these nine months to prepare the boys for their new sibling. When we told Luis's Mother, she was very happy, and hoped that I had twin girls, just like the ones that she had, but lost during her pregnancy. She was a proud Abuelita. Luis would like to have a daughter, as he grew up all boys in his household, but we are just happy for the blessing of another little whatever the Lord chooses to send is just fine by us :)
So, for you Mom and Dad, congratulations on grand baby #15. For everyone, we thank you in advance for your prayers to surround us during this special time. Love you all.


Anonymous said...

Yay! I'm excited! :)

Sarah Hogan said...

Congratulations! Blessings to you and the family.