Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Luis reminded me at dinner tonight of our many negotiations that were agreed upon as we were moving from Arizona to South Carolina. The "Parra Treaties" were harden-fast pacts, that would be binding, once we took up our new residence. I was going to be a stay-at-home Mom, and homeschool Josh. Luis was going back to work after being Mr. Mom/college student for more than a year. I agreed to get up every week day and make breakfast and lunch for Luis. Well, I DO stay home with the boys, and homeschool now. And Luis HAS gone back to work. I also have kept up my weekday ritual of waking up before the roosters to make a hot breakfast and lunch for Luis. OK, these sound like normal everyday occurrences, I admit. But there was this one request, that Luis reminded me of tonight, that I had completely forgotten about. During our bargaining hours in Arizona, Luis slipped an "earmark" into one of his "bills"...that being: "the privilege of staying home with the kids needed to be counterbalanced by ensuring there was flan every Friday for dessert." For those of you who don't know what flan is, it's a traditional Mexican dessert made from eggs, sugar, and milk, much like a custard or a creme brule. Very rich and very fattening...yum! So yesterday, I happened to make a batch of it for dessert. The four helpings were devoured in one night...Two by Luis, and the other two by Josh! (Now I have another flan-atic in the the house!) Anyway, Luis informed me that I hadn't kept up my end of the flan bargain, but that he wouldn't hold it against me and I could begin tomorrow. Josh concurred with a "Mmmm...flan".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Too funny! Keep these stories coming - I love them! :) Mary Beth