Monday, October 6, 2008

Garage Sale

Josh wanted to have a garage sale, and said he has some toys that he wants to sell. Jonathan, too, wanted to be a part. Since I really have gotten rid of most "extras" when we left Arizona, I really don't have any reason to have one. So I told the boys that they needed to have a pretend garage sale. They agreed, and each got a box to put things in that they thought they could part with. When they were done, they each brought their boxes to me to show me their money making items. Joshua's box contained a variety of toys, like dinosaurs, wooden snakes, and his caterpillar lantern. He had put stickers with prices on each individual toy, ranging from five cents, to five dollars. Jonathan's box consisted of three toys, all of which were broken (he is no fool!!). Josh asked for me to make a "garage Sale" sign...once I finished, I asked him where he was going to put it. He told me that they wanted to hold the sign out by the fence, where cars pass by. I was so glad I asked, because I would have had a lot of explaining to do as the people drove in for the "sale". Anyway, they resorted to having a pretend sale, on the front porch, with fake money. From the looks of it, they raked in a small fortune.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This was hilarious. haha. Mary