Monday, August 25, 2008

Book 'em!

Josh was tickled today, as we had a really fun science lesson. We are learning about how we are "fearfully and wonderfully made" in his Discovering God's World science book. Today's lesson was about fingerprints, (right up my forensics alley!!) and up until this morning, Josh had no idea what he held in his hands! I guess I just assumed he knew what I was constantly wiping off the TV screen and windows, but to my surprise, he had no idea! To make the lesson come to life, I pulled out our washable markers, and began coloring his fingertips...we hadn't started reading yet, so he was giving me a "Mom, I thought I wasn't supposed to write on my skin!" look, yet, enjoying the rule bending at the same time! I then proceeded to roll his fingers on an index card, revealing the loops and swirls of his little fingerprints. His eyes opened wide, and had me do it several times, in different colors. He was also amazed to learn that no one else had the same pattern as he did. It was a good lesson in how special we all are!! As a bonus, if he ever decides to go into law enforcement, or work for immigration, he's got the booking/biometric procedure down! :)

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