Tuesday, August 12, 2008

On the tube...

Well, we have bitten the bullet, and acquired "dish network" once again. I can't say that I was extremely ecstatic at the thought of hundreds of brainless channels at our fingertips. I mean, really...is the home shopping network going to alter the meaning of my existence? I think not. We used to have sky angel, which I enjoyed. It was (almost) all Christian broadcasting, all the time! But we live in Luray...population 114...no, not 114 thousand, just 114. So when sky angel switched from satellite to high speed Internet, we were left in the dial-up-only dust (thanks for your sympathy). Being Christian, it is important to me what my kids are putting into those beautiful little eyes and ears of theirs...after all, the eyes are the windows to the soul. While seeing if Sponge Bob is going to invent a bigger and better Krabby Patty isn't going to scar them for the rest of their lives, there's only so much of "Bikini Bottom" to which I want them exposed...haha...that's the location of the show, for those of you that don't have to pleasure of watching...but if you want to take it literally, that would be accurate as well! :)

OK, that all being said, it's confession time-

Setting: My living room
Date: yesterday, around 6-7:30 pm

Both of the kids went with Luis to say hello to Uncle David and Grandma Carmen. I caught both Desperate Landscapes AND a fabulous episode of Emeril Live (BAM!). I also managed to catch a great T.D. Jakes sermon, on TBN! OK, so maybe this whole dish thing isn't going to be so bad!

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