Thursday, August 28, 2008

Home sweet home

Well, we gathered at church last night for chapter 4 of our current book study. The weeks just get better and better! The main theme of the chapter was about "putting too much in your wagon, that you can no longer do what God is asking of you". I won't quote the story she told, because it was like a page and a half long, but I will share one thing I found interesting. The first class that I attended, one of the ladies said, "I assume that we all work outside of the home, which is why we are all studying this book"...and I remember thinking, ummmm.....nope! Then the facilitator of the group asked, "Do we have anyone that stays at home?". Three of us reluctantly raised our hands. I have to admit, I had a mix of feelings at that moment...guilt for being able to stay home...fear that people would assume staying home equaled total laziness on the couch with a bowl of ice cream watching the soaps...and awkwardness for once again being one of the "few and far between"ers. Those feelings held on for a couple of weeks, until I really got into this chapter. I began to remember the years that I worked outside the home, and prayed for the Lord to miraculously change things so that I would be able to stay home with my children. How my heart broke to put our oldest in daycare at 6 weeks, so we could have two incomes (only to realize down the road that the check went out as fast as it came in, to pay the daycare). I remember those ten hour days that I put in at my last 120% to people who might not even remember my name at this point. Then coming home exhausted, to my two kids and my husband, and having nothing left to give but yawns and a snappy attitude. I took a look in my proverbial wagon this week, and for the first time in my life, I actually realized that the yoke WAS easy and the burden WAS light...just the way it was meant to be. Then I gave myself a swift kick in the backside for giving a second of my attention to the lie that the world tries to jam down our throats as woman and mothers. I realize that there are many woman that would love to be home, but for some, it isn't an option at this point for various reasons. That is why, all the more, I feel so very blessed to be able to be home with my kids...and provide a peaceful, healthy atmosphere for the ones I hold so dear...this is truly one of the best seasons, so far, in my life.

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