Sunday, August 17, 2008

Trash to treasure!

Luis and I spent the entire day on Saturday, cleaning out our garage. It's a great 2-car garage with a double car port and has tons of space...well, it does now, anyway! Since we moved here a little over a year ago, it served mainly as our storage shed for boxes and boxes of things that we brought from Arizona. When we left Arizona, I brought boxes that were in our house, that I NEVER opened the whole 6 years that we were there. They were still sealed with the original tape! Kind of begs you to ask the question, "Why do you keep lugging all that extra baggage around, when you never even use it, much less know what's inside!" (Sounds like a good sermon...but for another day..cause I am about ready to hit the sack!) You know how most people have "junk drawers" in their homes? Well, we had a junk was full of things we didn't need right now, but we kept it because we just might need it in the future. As we were cleaning, I would ask Luis about the more "manly" things, as to whether we should keep them. Like the training wheels that we took off of Josh's bicycle...I was ready to pitch them, but Luis started to think that maybe we might need them down the road. We both looked at each other, and laughed as I threw them in the "dump" box. After working all day, we finally sat down in our "new" space and realized how much room we really have there! It became the place to hang out for the rest of the day...Josh rode his scooter and Jonathan his bicycle...while I sat in a chair and watched Luis fix the neighbor's lawn mower. (Total Kellish basement flashbacks!) Funny how something can be right in your backyard, and you don't see it's full value. Then you put a little love and elbow grease into it, and it just sparkles!

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