Saturday, August 2, 2008

Josh, bottom right (blue shirt and lucky yellow "Matt-man" socks!)
Josh really loves to play soccer, and especially loves it when Dad teaches him the secret moves that he used, when he played in Mexico growing up. He also loves when Dad AND Uncle David play two on two with him and Jonathan! He just finished a week long soccer camp, here in Hampton. They met every night for two hours of grueling soccer in the Lowcountry heat! Jonathan so wanted to be a part of camp (but isn't four yet), so each night, we would go with Josh and bring our soccer ball and play up and down the empty field. The last day was yesterday, and it was the hottest of all the days. The kids were dripping with sweat after the first half hour, but kept going strong. One of the parents, who happens to be on the Fire Department, brought the fire truck and sent water spraying on about 100 parched, thankful, squealing children! Hampton County has its ups and downs, being a small county in the deep South, but I am really glad that it has such good sports programs for the kids. The fall soccer season starts in about 2-3 weeks, so I am sure that I will be posting a barrage of pictures...this will be his second season playing, and I am getting a kick out of being a soccer Mom! :) As for Jonathan, he'll have to wait another year to start. In the meantime, Dad is training him, so he will be ready to go when his day comes. Jonathan and I went shopping tonight, and found a size 11 pair of white with blue stripes, Adidas soccer cleats, and a soccer outfit to match. As soon as we got home, Jonathan put his full "uniform" on, and he and Josh held a soccer match in the living room. I am blessed to have two beautiful, healthy, active boys!! :)

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