Wednesday, July 8, 2009

My cheerful giver

Last Sunday, at our Spanish church, Luis asked Jonathan to collect the offering. Jonathan jumped up, pulled something out of his pocket, and raced to the front. We had just celebrated his birthday the day before, and he received $10 among some other gifts. With a smile, he placed a five dollar bill in the offering plate, and proceeded to collect from the others. (We chuckled as he asked the first people if they had any money!!) Anyway, Luis made a big deal out of it when we got home, telling Jonathan how the Lord loves it when we are generous and give with a happy heart. Luis told him how the Lord was going to bless him for giving half of his birthday money. So, a few days passed, and we hadn't thought much about it again. Yesterday, I received a phone call from a Mom of one of Josh's soccer buddies. She is studying to become a guidance counselor and was assigned a paper on cultural submersion in Hampton County. Sally, knowing that we are a Hispanic family and working closely with the Hispanic community here in Hampton County, asked if she could interview us, and attend our Sunday service to get information for her paper. So, we stopped by her house after a quick trip to Walterboro to talk with her. On our way out, after talking for a couple of hours, Josh's friend, Mikey, told Jonathan he wanted to give him something. Mikey went to talk to his Dad, and they came back and said that they wanted Jonathan to have a battery operated Jeep that you can sit in and ride. Mikey had outgrown it, and hardly used it anymore, and it was the perfect size for Jonathan. They are the ones that cost about $150 in the toy store. Jonathan was so excited to bring home his new toy! When we got home, Luis had just arrived from work, and I told him what had happened. Luis reminded Jonathan how he gave his $5.00 to the Lord just a few days before. What a great impact that had on Jonathan. He learned a valuable lesson that many adults never can never outgive God. Today, after my midwife appointment, I asked him if he wanted to ride in his car. He must have spent a good hour just driving all over our property, with a smile from ear to ear.

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