Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Cooling off...

Well, the a/c is up and running again. Hopefully that will be the last repair of the season! It's amazing how accustomed we are to a/c...granted, it is 90+ every day, and humid, but we had summer days like that in NY, and we survived with no a/c.

On another note, the boys started soccer camp yesterday. There was a bad thunderstorm right before it was scheduled to begin, and we thought the first day would be cancelled, but thankfully the clouds broke, and it was actually cooler since the bottom had fallen out of the sky. I forgot my camera, but I'll be ready tonight for some great shots. This is the first year Jonathan is old enough to go to camp, and play for the league, so he is beside himself with excitment. Yesterday, I went back to be after making breakfast/lunch for Luis, and I slept in until 10AM. (The boys are so good about waking up, and just playing quietly until I crawl out of bed.) When I went out to the living room, Jonathan already had his shorts, shin guards and soccer socks on. Mind you, soccer camp doesn't start until 6PM each night. I am so glad there are activities in the community for the boys to do. Being homeschooled, they really miss having interaction with other kids, but between soccer and baseball, they are practically playing sports year round. Well, I'm off to make supper and get the kiddos ready.