Thursday, July 23, 2009


Today, I foolishly jammed packed our day. Listen to this list...

Took the trash to the dump
Went to the bank
Mailed blueberries to NY at the Post Office
Went to the insurance office
Went to the county tax auditor's office to pay property taxes
Took the kids to a play (Aladdin) at the local public library
Went to the DMV

I should have stopped after the play at the library. Jonathan yawning several times should have clued me in that he was tired, but the thought of doing more errands tomorrow was to the DMV we went. Why is it, when kids are overtired, they become loud and whiny?? Why don't they just shut down, and quiet down? Yesterday, at the midwife, I was told how well behaved my kids were...they were so quiet and obedient. Well, if she could have seen my littlest "angel" today, she would be thinking "What the heck is wrong with that child, and why can't that mother control him!?!" Just a little dose of reality to keep my proud Mama ego in check I guess. Anyway, after quite a show from Jonathan (who is usually my easy going, laid back one), I managed to escape from the DMV with the license plates for Luis's truck. He owes me BIG TIME! haha

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