Friday, July 24, 2009

Pork, anyone??

I am sweating like a pig!! Our air conditioner stopped working again, and the humidity is terrible! The a/c guy came out on Tuesday, and it was working great, until we got home from our crazy day yesterday and I noticed that the air coming from the vents was warm. We have fans going all over the house...moving hot air from room to room. The boys are handling it nicely. I, on the other hand, equipped with my natural heater (Lily) am not doing so well. I hate to be hot. Luis and I are like my Mom and Dad...she likes it cool, Dad likes it warm. At night, I always have a fan going, in addition to the a/c. Poor Luis freezes, and usually sleeps with his San Marcos blanket even in the summer. I am usually not a complainer, as most of you know, but today is an exceptional complaining day! BLAH! Hope the a/c guy can come today, otherwise, it'll be at least Monday. Can all you Northerners blow some cool air this way?? Thanks!


Sarah Hogan said...

Our A/C went out in the little house on 13th St. when Phillip was deployed. I called the new landlord (the guy who bought the property and built the new houses on it) and he said he couldn't fix it. I was so young and left it at that. I have never been so hot. I cried myself to see for a week until Phil Grubbs brought me a new one from the church.

Six Wilsons said...

Oh man, that's no fun! I am pretty intolerant to the heat as well. One thing I used to do is put a cornbag (homemade bag with feed corn or rice in it) in the freezer for a few hrs before bed. Then it's really cold and I put it on my feet in bed, kept me nice and cool!
Hope the AC guy fixes it this time!!

Leslie P. said...

Sarah, that's horrible!! Mrs. Martha would have had it fixed in a heartbeat! Wendy, I hope he comes today...I am in a permanent state of sweat!